Divorce & Separation

Transitioning through separation or divorce, whether with or without children, can be one of life’s most challenging, traumatic experiences. Whether you are married or common law, same sex or opposite sex, the emotional and financial impact of divorce and separation can be devastating and far reaching.
At Redmond Law we work together with our clients to determine the best way to move through this process towards a resolution. We recognize that every family situation is unique and requires care and attention. We work closely with our clients to protect their interests as well as the interests of their entire family structure in addressing the issues you may face, including division of property and debt, custody and guardianship of children, parenting arrangements and payment of child and spousal support. We provide information and advice to our clients about the different means of resolving family law disputes, including out of court options such as mediation, collaborative law and arbitration.
We recognize that Divorce and Separation are a part of life and it is our hope that we can help our clients through this process, with dignity and care, so that their family can move forward with a new structure in place to guide them in the years to come.